Press releases

WEALINS unveils the first edition of its Wealth Insurance Forum

Luxembourg life insurance company WEALINS S.A., renowned for its expertise in designing innovative cross-border life insurance and capitalisation solutions, brought together almost 200 European wealth management and wealth insurance specialists in Luxembourg on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of September for its first edition of the “Wealth Insurance Forum”.

 The two-day event was highlighted by a series of inspiring conferences and discussion sessions, with the central theme of “empowering you to build together the wealth insurance of tomorrow”.

Focus on excellence & entrepreneurship spirit

Every day, WEALINS promotes its unique “Wealth Insurance as a Service” (WIaaS) approach. With this in mindset, the Wealth Insurance Forum kicked off with a series of conferences animated exclusively by WEALINS experts.

“On this first day, we decided to highlight our unique expertise and know-how within WEALINS, and demonstrate how we are able to provide exclusive, long-term wealth support to our partners and their clients”,

explains Maël Toledano, Sales Director at WEALINS S.A.

An afternoon of conferences dedicated to the current challenges of the wealth insurance sector, which gave rise to numerous exchanges and enabled us to address current best practices, as well as upcoming trends. The following themes were addressed: “Wealth transfer between generations, increasing mobility,…. : how to tackle the challenges and meet the clients’ expectations?” (focus on Nordic markets, France and Belgium), “Range of investment & Private Equity: how to address the growing interest of UHNWI clients in complex asset classes?”, “SRI & Impact investing: how to meet the UHNWI clients’ demand for more ESG products and how to respond to new regulations” and finally Digital transformation & Innovation: upcoming trends and perspectives within the wealth insurance & management sectors”.

The evening was then held at the WEALINS premises in Leudelange, where Arthur Guérin-Boëri, five-time world freediving champion and a key figure on the French sports scene, invited the audience to push back their limits.

“His discipline and surpassing himself echo the ambitions of WEALINS and our desire to constantly innovate and anticipate the expectations of our partners and their clients. We have developed a modern vision of wealth insurance: beyond protecting and passing on wealth to future generations, we seek to develop the best solutions and services for our clientele”,

says Luc Rasschaert, CEO of WEALINS S.A.
Wealth Insurance 3.0.

For over 30 years, WEALINS has been constantly innovating and rethinking wealth insurance. By expanding its range of products and services and adopting a Human-to-Human approach, the company is committed to finding the solution to the wealth management projects and ambitions of its partners and their clients.  It was in this context that WEALINS invited Peter Hinssen, visionary, opinion leader on innovation and author of the book “The Phoenix and the Unicorn“, to take part in the second day of the event. He gave a keynote speech on developments and trends in digitalisation, and the challenges we face, highlighting the advantages, but also the dangers and limits, of artificial intelligence.

His speech was followed by a panel discussion with Ananda Kautz (ABBL), Marc Lauer (Foyer Group), Claus Mansfeldt (LPEA) and Maël Toledano (WEALINS S.A.), during which they debated the influence of innovation on human relations within the life insurance and wealth management sector. This was an opportunity for the financial ecosystem to discuss, among other things, the challenges of digital transformation for companies in the industry, the impact of regulatory pressures and the emergence of artificial intelligence, as well as the importance of human relations between the different stakeholders within the finance-insurance sector.

“Through our first edition of the Wealth Insurance Forum, we have been aiming to inspire and be as close as possible to the wealth aspirations of our partners and their clients. Reflected in our slogan “You lead, We empower”, we are further strengthening our commitment to building a relationship of trust with our partners and their clients, by focusing on our wealth support, our sense of collaboration and our expertise”,

concludes Luc Rasschaert, CEO of WEALINS S.A.

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Wealins, a leading provider of wealth insurance in Luxembourg