
Our world relies on creative, entrepreneurial, innovative, visionary, human, reliable leaders. They travel, they encounter other bright minds and souls, they have ideas, ambitions, projects.
As they go on with their lives, their aspirations evolves with them.
For 30 years, WEALINS, has been close and innovative, expert and independent enough to anticipate and satisfy your needs.

Your preferred partner for 30 years

Over three decades, WEALINS, a life insurance company based in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg has developed a true expertise in the design of innovative cross-border life insurance and capitalisation solutions.

Our human-centred approach enables us to know and anticipate each one of your aspirations and concerns in terms of wealth management and structuring.

Internally, we rely on more than 120 multidisciplinary and multilingual experts whom, with the proximity of each of your markets, have a thorough understanding of your expectations and are driven by the constant desire to innovate and satisfy you. Our knowledge and in-depth understanding of regulatory and tax frameworks of each market enable us to offer you a high quality of service.

In combining our expertise with more personalised and human approach of customer relations, we adapt a modern vision of wealth insurance: WEALINS is supporting you not only tomorrow, but also today.

Collaboration is at the heart of our DNA

At WEALINS, we favour a Human to Human (HtoH) approach and work internationally, in close collaboration with renowned partners.

Thanks to our open architecture model, we have developed a unique approach of partnership, allowing us to guarantee tailor made and long-lasting solutions to support you in your projects, ambitions and aspirations.

Collaboration is embedded in our WEALINS corporate culture. Internally, we promote mutual support and sharing of know-how. Our teams are focused on the same objectives: to meet the expectations of our partners and their clients.

This collaborative approach plays a critical role in digital transformation. We work in co-construction with our partners to offer digital services that best meet your expectations.

Discover our commitments here

Our culture of excellence

We adopt a client-centricity mindset. The satisfaction of our partners and their clients is at the heart of our activity. We aim at operational excellence with all our colleagues engaged to offer on a daily basis: reactivity, professionalism and availability.

We strive for excellence. Each of our colleagues have a specific area of expertise and the synergies  between our teams enable us to constantly challenge us and to innovate. Regardless the complexity of your situation, our competences in wealth structuring, in developing cross-border solutions and in quoted and non-quoted assets, enable us to design the solution that perfectly meets your needs.  

Foyer Group & our entrepreneurial spirit

Supported by Foyer Group, WEALINS is backed by a strong shareholder. We benefit of a financial stability providing  a unique guarantee of solidity and independence for each of our partners and their clients.

Foyer Group is the leader of the local insurance market in Luxembourg and was founded in 1922 by three Luxembourg entrepreneurial families. Resolutely oriented towards the future, Foyer Group has been able to adapt its corporate culture over the generations in order to remain competitive by relying on open-mindedness, constant questioning and creativity. Our teams perpetuate this entrepreneurial spirit. We want to inspire our partners with our expertise, our ideas and our commitments, while building a long-term relationship of trust. This is why YOU LEAD, WE EMPOWER.

Solvency and Financial Condition Report (“SFCR”) describes the activity of the Foyer Group and its insurance subsidiaries, their governance, their risk profile by providing also information on the methods of valuation used, and specifications on the management of assets in compliance with the article 82 of the law modified of December 7, 2015 on the insurance sector. The report is a unique report that deals with the information on of Foyer Group’s consolidated solvency and the financial situation including:

  • The life entities including WEALINS
  • The non-life entities
  • The reinssurance company

The 2023 report is available here: SFCR-report-Foyer-Group_2023

The past SFCR reports are available here.