Condition of use
The navigation and consultation of this website are governed by the law of Luxembourg and are subject to the following particular conditions. By continuing to use this site visitors and/or users expressly accept these conditions as contractually binding.
The content of this website is only intended to provide visitors and users with general information, on a merely indicative basis, about the services offered by WEALINS S.A.. The information on this website is valid only for the time at which it is provided, and under no circumstances constitutes an offer to sell or an invitation to purchase any life insurance product, nor is the information intended as advice on legal, tax, accounting or other matters. It is not intended as a substitute for the visitor’s or user’s own skill, experience and knowledge, and therefore must always be supplemented with the opinion of a qualified and duly authorised professional. WEALINS S.A. in no way warrants that the information published on this website is complete, accurate, precise or up to date. WEALINS S.A. accepts no liability for any loss directly or indirectly resulting from any action or omission connected with any use of or access to this website.
Access to the website
This WEALINS S.A. website is not intended for the use of any person subject to a jurisdiction in which, by reason of nationality, residence or any other factor, local legislation forbids the publication of or access to the WEALINS S.A. website.
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Persons accessing this information are wholly responsible for their access to and use of this website. This website may offer the visitor or user automatic links to third parties’ websites, or may provide access to information from such websites. WEALINS S.A. neither has nor accepts any liability for the content of such third parties’ websites, for products or services offered on or by such sites, or for any detriment directly or indirectly resulting from information accessible on or sourced from such sites. In the case of access to price quotations, in particular, visitors’ and users’ attention is expressly drawn to the fact that stock exchange rules may allow stock prices to be published only with some delay. WEALINS S.A. shall not be liable for any error or delay in price quotations, nor for any direct or indirect consequence thereof. Visitors and users agree that they access and consult any web page external to this website at their own risk. WEALINS S.A. shall not be responsible and accepts no liability for any loss or disadvantage directly or indirectly resulting from the visitor’s or user’s accessing such external websites.
WEALINS S.A. is the owner of all intellectual property rights in the trademarks, logos, photos and all other features appearing on this website. No part of this publication may be copied, downloaded or saved in any document retrieval system, nor reproduced in any electronic or mechanical form or medium whatsoever, without written permission beforehand from the owner of the intellectual property rights.
Intellectual Property
WEALINS S.A. is the owner of all intellectual property rights in the trademarks, logos, photos and all other features appearing on this website. No part of this publication may be copied, downloaded or saved in any document retrieval system, nor reproduced in any electronic or mechanical form or medium whatsoever, without written permission beforehand from the owner of the intellectual property rights.
Privacy statement
Privacy is a core concern of the Foyer Group, including WEALINS S.A.
We endeavour to protect and process your personal data in strict compliance with regulations and with complete transparency.
We hope this privacy statement will give you greater confidence and inform of the measures we undertake. Also we wish to inform you of our Data Policy when visiting our website www.wealins.com and using any services that we offer.
General information
Whose personal data is processed ?
The personal data of the following can be processed by any Foyer Group company*:
- All individual customers
- All other individual people involved in processing who are linked to a transaction as representatives, partners, suppliers, administrators, employees, legal representatives or any other guarantor or contact person.
This statement does not concern legal entities.
*Foyer Assurances S.A., Foyer Vie S.A., Raiffeisen Vie S.A., Foyer Santé S.A., Foyer Arag S.A., WEALINS S.A.
What data is covered by this statement ?
All information directly or indirectly relating to an identified or identifiable individual person(s).
Why do we need to process your personal data ?
WEALINS S.A. processes personal data to :
- Administer insurance policies and claims
- Manage our customer service
- Supervise commercial relations
- Control risk acceptance and monitor our portfolio
- Deal with disputes and recover debts
- Detect, prevent and combat fraud
- Handle complaints
Passing data to third parties
Upon the client’s express consent, WEALINS S.A. can pass on personal data to its intermediaries in the context of the administration of the insurance policies.
Your data can be passed on to public or regulatory authorities or courts.
Foyer Group companies implement all the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security is best suited to the risk posed and by the processes concerned.
Retention duration
Foyer Group companies keeps your personal data :
- For as long as needed for the purpose for which the data was collected or for which it was used for additional processing
- As long as required to comply with applicable legal obligations
- For as long as required to comply with legal prescription periods
Right of access, deletion, correction and objection
You have the right to know what data we hold and to correct it or object to its processing within the legal limits by sending a signed and dated request, with a photocopy of your identity card, by post to the Data Protection Officer WEALINS S.A., 12 rue Léon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange or by email to the following address dataprotection@wealins.com.
Jurisdiction and applicable law
The information provided on this website is subject to the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Visitors and users are hereby informed that the Luxembourg courts have sole jurisdiction over any dispute concerning the use or interpretation of the information and data contained in this website.
Regulatory information
WEALINS S.A. offers policies fulfilling all its customers’ needs in full compliance with the applicable statutory and regulatory framework. The company likewise has its own process for handling queries, claims and complaints in such a way as to meet its customers’ expectations in the best manner and in the shortest time possible.
Information on Beneficiaries
Information on the effects of a missing or inaccurate identification of the Beneficiaries: WEALINS S.A. informs that, in case there is no beneficiary validly nominated under the Contract, or if all such nominations have been duly revoked, then the benefits shall be paid to the Policyholder or to his/her estate. The incorrect identification of the Beneficiary in the event of death may prevent WEALINS from performing its duties of information and communication established by law, regarding the payment of the insured benefit.
Reclami Italia
Se il servizio offerto da WEALINS S.A. non risultasse di Suo gradimento ed intendesse sporgere reclamo, potrà farlo tramite le seguenti modalità:
- per iscritto a WEALINS S.A.- Servizio Cliente – BP L-2986, GD Luxembourg.
- o all’indirizzo e-mail reclamations@wealins.com
Sarà nostra cura provvedere a fornirLe una risposta entro il termine massimo di 45 giorni dalla data di ricezione del reclamo stesso.
Qualora non si ritenga soddisfatto dall’esito del reclamo o in caso di assenza di riscontro nel termine massimo di quarantacinque giorni, potrà rivolgersi all’IVASS (Istituto per la vigilanza sulle assicurazioni) – Servizio Tutela degli Utenti – via del Quirinale, 21 – 00187 Roma, compilando il presente modulo corredando l’esposto della documentazione relativa al reclamo trattato dalla Compagnia. Reclami per questioni attinenti alla trasparenza informativa dei Prodotti Finanziario-Assicurativi di tipo Unit-Linked, Index-Linked e Capitalizzazione Qualora non si ritenga soddisfatto dall’esito del reclamo o in caso di assenza di riscontro nel termine massimo di quarantacinque giorni, potrà rivolgersi alla CONSOB – Via G.B. Martini 3, 00198 Roma, telefono 06.84771 o Via Broletto 7, 20123 Milano, telefono 02.724201, allegando copia del reclamo già inoltrato alla Compagnia ed il relativo riscontro. Per la risoluzione delle controversie transfrontaliere è inoltre possibile tentare la risoluzione in via stragiudiziale utilizzando la rete FIN-NET. Per accedere alla rete il reclamante deve individuare l’organo competente nel seguente sito internet FIN-NET e proporre un reclamo in forma scritta, allegando la documentazione necessaria a valutare la problematica.
In alternativa il reclamo può essere inoltrato tramite l’IVASS, chiedendo a quest’ultima l’attivazione della procedura FIN-NET. E’ fatta salva la possibilità di adire l’Autorità Giudiziaria. Si ricorda che i reclami in relazione al cui oggetto sia stata già adita l’Autorità Giudiziaria non rientrano nella competenza dell’IVASS. Maggiori informazioni riguardanti la trasmissione di un reclamo possono essere reperite direttamente sul sito dell’IVASS (www.ivass.it) nella sezione rubricata “Per il consumatore”.
Da ultimo, si segnala che l’Autorità competente nel Gran Ducato del Lussemburgo alla vigilanza della Compagnia è il Commissariat aux Assurances, reperibile al seguente indirizzo: Commissariat aux Assurances: 7, boulevard Joseph II, L – 1840 Luxembourg Telefono +352 22 69 11-1 Fax +352 22 69 10, e-mail: commassu@commassu.lu È infine Suo diritto instaurare una Mediazione, o adire le competenti autorità giudiziarie.
Documenti precontrattuali del prodotto italiano
Wealins Life Italy + DIP aggiuntivo IBIP : download
Wealins Life Italy + Condizioni di Assicurazione : download
Complaints management policy
This procedure describes the principles and processing of customer complaints. All complaints in any form, valid or not, should:
- receive an appropriate response as soon as possible
- be treated with diligence, transparency, objectivity and professionalism
- trigger if needed the implementation of improvement and/or preventive measures
The complaint is the statement of dissatisfaction towards:
- services, advices or products provided
- employees in charge of the transactions or the business relationship
Complaints should be made in writing (letter, e-mail, fax), by phone or face to face (visit, meeting). Complaints are likely to come from persons other than the “client.” We distinguish different categories of complainants:
1. “Client” natural person, legal person Subscriber, Co-subscriber, Insured person, Legal representative of the legal person, Person who has a special mandate, Beneficiary
2. “Partner” Any partner within the limits of the professional secrecy and the contract and powers connecting us to such partner. Business introducer, Broker, Agent.
3. “Third party” Anyone considered as third party to the business relationship and who is authorised and empowered by the client with a special mandate. It is important to ensure strict observance of the professional secrecy and analyse the scope of the mandate. In the absence of a valid mandate, the professional secrecy must be opposed. Written complaints may be sent by post, fax or email directly to the Management of WEALINS SA. All complaints will be dated at the time of their receipt. The complaints are submitted to the Head of the Internal Control who is responsible for forwarding a copy / original to the head of the department concerned who will be responsible for processing the complaint. Face to face complaints may be made by the “client” during a visit or a conversation. If the complaint appears to be circumstantial, the employee to whom the complaint is made:
- invites the client to put down his complaint in writing or
- if the complaint may have a financial impact or is of a compliance nature (for example: non-respect of the law, fraud, etc. …), the employee prepares a detailed report, dated and signed and submits it to the Head of Internal Control.
The Head of Internal Control will send copies of the complaint to the various persons concerned.
The complaint may also be sent directly to the Supervisory Authority, which transmits it to WEALINS S.A. as well as requesting information for ensuring:
- the application of legal, regulatory or statutory requirements,
- the appropriate treatment of the complaint,
- that a position and/or decision is taken following the complaint.
After the receipt of a complaint, an answer will be sent to the “client” as soon as possible. It will be either:
- a letter explaining that the complaint is complex and/or that more time is necessary to analyse the facts for an appropriate answer to be given to the “client” or
- an appropriate response sent to the client.
- Complaints made by e-mail should be sent to the e-mail address: reclamations@wealins.com.
- Telephone complaints can be made to the following number: +352 43 743 5200.
- Postal complaints should be sent to the following address:
BP L-2986
The following information should be included to support the complaint, so that it can be processed as quickly as possible: surname, first name, status of the client, complete postal address, telephone numbers; where applicable an e-mail address and a concise description of the subject matter of the complaint together with any documents or information concerning the product or the insurance department concerned.
In the event of dissatisfaction regarding the processing of the complaint, the person requesting the insurer may also contact:
- the Association des Compagnies d’Assurances B.P. 448, L-2014 Luxembourg;
- the Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs 55, rue des Bruyères, L-1274 Howald;
- the Commissariat aux Assurances 7, boulevard Joseph II, L-1840 Luxembourg;
- the competent Supervisory Authority of his country of residence see IAIS : http://www.iaisweb.org/About-the-IAIS/IAIS-members-31; without prejudice to the ability of the person filing the complaint to initiate legal action.without prejudice to the ability of the person filing the complaint to initiate legal action.
General framework
As a player in the life insurance market, WEALINS seeks, within the service and products offered to its clients, to protect their interests in a loyal, fair and professional manner. The purpose of this policy is to describe the procedures established to prevent and manage conflicts of interest within WEALINS S.A. A conflict of interest is a conflict that arises when several persons or entities have contradictory interests. The situation of a conflict of interest can result in damaging the interests of one of the stakeholders.
Implementation of the policy
The Management of WEALINS ensures that this policy is implemented within the company. Managers of departments or services are responsible for monitoring the application of the procedures. Employees of WEALINS S.A. must be vigilant with regards to any risk of conflicts of interest they may be aware of or may be involved in. The Compliance Officer oversees the implementation of procedures and necessary controls for the application of the policy.
Prevention measures and management of conflicts
- Principle of separation of duties The execution of operations is assigned to various employees and must be validated by another employee, under the principle of “four eyes” and double signature. For any operation regarding the contract of an employee or one of his relatives, the processing cannot be done by the employee himself.
- Data protection All data concerning clients of WEALINS S.A. are treated in strict compliance of the Luxembourg laws on confidentiality and protection of personal data. Organizational measures are implemented within WEALINS S.A. to ensure a secure and confidential processing of sensitive data.
- Register of conflicts of interest When any actual or potential conflict of interest is detected, it is recorded in the register of conflicts of interest by the Compliance Officer.
- Training for employees Employees of WEALINS S.A. receive regular training which allows them to detect potential conflicts of interest and to react in accordance with the present policy.
- Information of the clients If a conflict of interest cannot be avoided and if the interests of a client cannot be protected with the necessary guarantees, WEALINS S.A. shall inform immediately the client concerned to enable him to decide in full knowledge of all facts.
- Handling of complaints Complaints are handled impartially, independently and transparently. The Compliance Officer will systematically be informed of all complaints.
Conflict of Interest Policy – WEALINS
The English version of the “Conflict of Interest Policy – WEALINS” will be available soon.
Tax information note
The following general tax information is intended for individuals taking out personal life insurance policies with WEALINS S.A., and takes no account of the particular circumstances of the individual. WEALINS S.A. advises prospective policyholders to procure independent legal and/or tax advice.