Annual results

2020 financial results : a record year for Wealins

WEALINS, the 100% Luxembourg life insurance company, specialising in the development of wealth insurance solutions, has announced that as at 31 December 2020 it had collected €1.7 billion, an increase of almost 70% compared to 2019. Despite the special year of 2020, marked by the COVID-19 crisis, WEALINS was able to rely on the loyalty and trust of its partners while demonstrating flexibility and adaptability.

Operational Excellence at the service of the partner

With almost 30 years of experience, over the years, the company has become a key player in life insurance operating under the Freedom to Provide Services regime from Luxembourg. Its development is due first and foremost to the expertise but also to the motivation and commitment of its 120 employees:

From the beginning of the crisis in March 2020, we focused on two priorities: to put the health of our employees first by implementing a new work organisation and to maintain the relationship with our partners. Our teams have thus remained mobilised and I am pleased with the work they have done to continue to support our partners and their clients on a daily basis. 

Luc Rasschaert, CEO of WEALINS

To achieve this, WEALINS can capitalise on synergies of internal skills as well as its know-how, particularly in complex and non-quoted assets such as private equity, for which the company has seen strong interest from its partners and their clients over the past year and where the expertise of its employees has made the difference. 

These good results can also be explained by the confidence shown by its partners. Indeed, in times of uncertainty, they logically turned to the companies in which they had the most confidence. WEALINS’ long-term vision and client orientation enables it to respond perfectly to the concerns of its partners and their clients. Moreover, the company has seen an increase in its Mass Affluent (especially in the Belgian and French markets) and in (U)HNWI client base in all its markets.

The company also benefits from structural and financial solidity, thanks in particular to the support of its shareholder, Foyer Group, which enables it to react quickly to changes in its sector, to support its development and to ensure its longevity. At the end of 2020, WEALINS finalised its merger with GB Life Luxembourg S.A. and continued its development by exceeding 13 billion euros in assets under administration, invested entirely in units of account. It is also expanding its product range, in particular with the 100% digital ePlatinum solution aimed at a more diversified client base.

Innovation at the heart of its development strategy

The year 2020 is also marked by an acceleration of the digital transformation of WEALINS.  Indeed, the company and its shareholder, Foyer Group, have made innovation not only a corporate value, but also a strategic development axis. In order to provide an excellent and innovative service to its partners, WEALINS favours a tailor-made and customer-centric approach. At the end of 2020, it successfully completed the migration to a front-to-end platform that enables it to exchange data in a more efficient, quick and reliable way with its partners. In addition, in order to constantly improve its service offering, WEALINS intends to continue its digital transformation this year with, in particular, the launch of its new e-Wealins platform for its partners as well as the digitalisation (underwriting and all operations online) of its insurance contracts. Another challenge facing WEALINS this year: sustainable finance with the development of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria.

WEALINS in figures:

  • Almost 30 years of experience in wealth insurance
  • €13.5 billion in assets under administration
  • €1.7 billion collected
  • more than 120 employees
  • 11 nationalities represented
  • WEALINS benefits from a strong geographical diversification (active in 9 European countries) and is even a pioneer in some markets.

Press Contact:
(+352) 437 43 5200

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Wealins, a leading provider of wealth insurance in Luxembourg