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Atypical cases : a dedicated team of experts to support you

Some client cases are more complex than others: when it comes to find a solution for these atypical cases, WEALINS can rely on its team of multi-skilled internal experts. In this Expert interview, find out how Barbara Stel, Senior Complex Case Analyst contributes to create the most suitable solution for your client.

What is your role at WEALINS?

I am Senior Complex Case Analyst within the Business Solutions team. My function has been created to meet partners and their clients’ need for support, specifically to deal with cases that are considered as “complex” requiring more in-depth analysis as well as a specific follow-up. My role is to coordinate the appropriate experts in order to simplify the case and design a tailor-made solution, taking into account the client’s specificities.

« I am a link in a collaborative chain of experts »

Barbara Stel, Senior Complex Case Analyst

What defines cases considered as “complex”?

For a natural person, complexity mainly depends on the tax residence of the policyholder and/or the insured person: for example, a citizen from one of our distribution markets living outside of the European Union. For a legal entity, complexity could be linked to the structuration of the company, for example a firm which is made up of several layers, with beneficial owners living outside of our distribution markets.

How WEALINS experts strive for finding a solution for the partner and his client?

A dedicated team of experts is mobilised according to the complexity, the market and the specificities of the case. This is an advantage for our partners: our experts are able to quickly address the atypical case, anticipate and organise the work in order to guide them towards the most suitable solution for their clients.

explains Barbara Stel

We rely on a double synergy of experts. WEALINS can rely on the know-how and expertise of its multi-disciplinary, multi-lingual internal teams: wealth planners, tax, legal and investment experts.  But we also collaborate with a network of internationally recognised independent experts (e.g. law firms or tax specialists).

Could you share an example of an atypical case for which WEALINS supported its partner?

We supported a partner whose client was an entrepreneur, a citizen of the European Union living in Asia for professional reasons. He also owned a complex structure established outside the European Union. This structure itself held a portfolio of listed assets representing substantial wealth.

The client wanted to relocate with his family within the European Union, and was looking for a long-term, portable wealth structuring and estate planning solution to meet both current and future mobility needs: his children, who were minors at the time of the subscription, were also likely to be internationally mobile in the future.

We therefore brought together our wealth planning, legal and tax experts to apprehend the international context of the case, while one of our investment experts was mobilised to analyse the complex structure as underlying of the contract.

Taking into account the specificities of the case, WEALINS proposed a capitalisation solution that met the client’s requirements in terms of portability, protection and multi-generational estate planning.

To know more about the support offered by WEALINS in the context of atypical cases, Connect with our Experts.

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