Category: Annual results

  • Humans at the heart of the success of WEALINS

    Humans at the heart of the success of WEALINS

    WEALINS S.A., the Luxembourg life insurance company renowned for its expertise in developing innovative cross-border life insurance and capitalisation solutions, has announced assets under administration of 15.83 billion euros and 1.5 billion euros of collected premium as at December 31, 2023 (slight increase compared to the previous year). In 2023, the company pursued its business development in the 10 European markets in which it operates, making the difference by relying on the satisfaction and trust of its partners and their clients.

  • 2020 financial results : a record year for Wealins

    WEALINS, the 100% Luxembourg life insurance company, specialising in the development of wealth insurance solutions, has announced that as at 31 December 2020 it had collected €1.7 billion, an increase of almost 70% compared to 2019. Despite the special year of 2020, marked by the COVID-19 crisis, WEALINS was able to rely on the loyalty and trust of its partners while demonstrating flexibility and adaptability.

  • 2017 RESULTS

    2017 RESULTS

    2017 was marked by the birth of the WEALINS brand as a result of the merger of Foyer International and IWI International Wealth Insurer.